2022-08-26 19:43:23 By : Ms. Irelia Sun




II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AS ZONING BOARD OF REVIEW - Discussion and/or action and/or vote regarding the following petitions. The Zoning Board may approve, approve with conditions or deny the following petitions/applications, as may be modified by testimony and/or evidence presented throughout the public hearing; and/or possible vote to continue a petition’s public hearing to a date determined.

Petition #10728---Ward 3---2245 Post Rd.

The petition of Gold Coast Properties RI, LLC, 16115 SW 117th Ave., Unit 7A, Miami, FL, and New England Institute of Technology, 1 New England Tech Blvd., E. Greenwich, RI, requests a dimensional variance to construct a new four-story, 122 guest room hotel.  Proposed hotel being higher in height than allowed by Ordinance.  Assessor’s Plat 323, Lot 8, zoned General Business (GB).  **Petition was previously approved by this Board on 8/31/21** 

The petition of Stephanie Simmering, 65 Cayman Isles Blvd., Englewood, FL, and  David Splaine, 1126 Buttonwoods Ave., Warwick, RI, requests a dimensional variance   to reconfigure (2) two existing lots to create (2) two new lots; (1) one new 12,693 sq. ft. lot with a pre-existing non-conforming single-family dwelling, having less than required land area, frontage, lot width, and setbacks; and (1) one new 24,304 sq. ft. for the development of a new single-family dwelling, having less than required land area, frontage, and lot width.  Proposed dwelling having less than required front yard setback. Assessor’s Plat 374, Lots 11 & 12, zoned Residential A-40 (previously zoned Residential A-15). **Petition was previously approved by this Board on 9/14/21, but was held up by an appeal in Superior Court**

Petition #10829---Ward 9---20 Del Rio Ct.

The petition of Jordan Saint Onge, 20 Del Rio Ct., Warwick, RI, requests a dimensional variance to construct a 25’ x 10’ covered front porch.  Proposed porch having a front yard setback of 20’ (30’ required).  Assessor’s Plat 205, Lot 56, zoned Residential A-15.

Petition #10834---Ward 1---45 Remington St. 

The petition of John G. Sommer, 49 Remington St., Warwick, RI, requests a dimensional variance to replace the existing porch and stairs on the front existing dwelling, with a    15’ x 6’ covered front deck & new stairs.  Proposed deck & stairs having a front yard setback of 14.1’ (25’ required).

Petitioner is also proposing to replace the existing porch on the rear dwelling with a 14’ x 5’ covered deck, and construct a dormer addition.  Proposed dormer addition having a 4.1’ rear yard setback (20’ required), and a left side setback of 0.5’ (8’ required).  Proposed covered deck having a side yard setback of 0.6’ (5’ required) and a rear yard setback of 4.1’ (20’ required).  Subject property being two (2) pre-existing legal non-conforming single family dwellings on one lot.  Assessor’s Plat 292, Lot 346, zoned Residential A-7/Historic. 

Petition #10835---Ward 1---53 Venturi Ave.

The petition of Iron Faith, LLC, 53 Venturi Ave., Warwick, RI, and Cassisi Realty, LLC, P.O. Box 8907, Cranston, RI, requests a special use permit (906.3(C)) to have more than one non-residential use on a lot (304.5).  Petitioner is proposing to operate a personal gym with fitness classes on the second floor of the existing building.  Petitioner also requests a dimensional variance from Section 701.2 minimum size of parking spaces for less than required aisle widths; Section 701.7 for having less than required off-street parking spaces, 40 parking spaces proposed (90 required), Section 701.3 for less than required setbacks of parking spaces, and Section 701.5 for shared parking.  Assessor’s Plat 291, Lot 51, zoned Light Industrial (LI).

Petition #10836---Ward 6---189 Ottawa Ave.

The petition of Mark & Heather Hartshorn, 24 Green St., Watertown, MA, request a dimensional variance from the Table 2A Dimensional Regulations, to construct a mudroom, a garage and a side porch addition to a non-conforming dwelling.  Proposed garage, mudroom and side porch having less than required front yard setback (40’ required), proposed garage having a side yard setback of 5’ (15’ required).  Assessor’s Plat 375, Lots 192 & 193, zoned Residential A-40 & Residential A-7.

Petition #10837---Ward 6---85 Horse Neck Ave.

The petition of Jaroslaw Regent, 85 Horse Neck Ave., Warwick, RI, requests a dimensional variance to construct a carport.  Proposed carport having a side yard setback of 3’ (5’ required), and a front yard setback of 3.9’ (25’ required).  Assessor’s Plat 360, Lot 623, zoned Residential A-7.

Petition #10838---Ward 6---456 Pequot Ave.

The petition of JMR Properties, LLC, 40 Malbone St., Warwick, RI, requests a dimensional variance to demolish the existing single family dwelling to construct a new 46’ x 28’ two-story single family dwelling on two pre-existing undersized lots, having a lot area of 6,400 sq. ft. (7,000 sq. ft. required).  Assessor’s Plat 376, Lot 321 & 322, zoned Residential A-7.

The petition of JMR Properties, LLC, 40 Malbone St., Warwick, RI, requests a dimensional variance to construct a 24’ x 35’ two-story single family dwelling with a covered front porch on a pre-existing undersized lot having a lot area of 3,200 sq. ft. (7,000 sq. ft. required), and having 40’ of frontage & lot width (70’ required).  Assessor’s Plat 376, Lot 330, zoned Residential A-7. 

Petition #10840---Ward 8---641 Bald Hill Rd.

The petition of Lakewood Realty Trust & Kenneth Persechino, 734 Hartford Ave., Providence, RI, requests a special use permit to have more than one non-residential use on a lot, retail, office and storage use.  Petitioner is seeking removal of two stipulations placed on their prior Zoning Board Petition #10654, dated August 14, 2020.  Stipulation #1, that the basement storage area be used to support the existing office units and not leased out to others; and Stipulation #4, to close the curb cut on Brinton Street.  The petitioner is proposing to allow the basement to be operated as a storage use for furs, and to allow one (1) previously approved office on the first floor to be utilized as retail fur sales, and one (1) previously approved office on the first floor to be used as an office for fur sales/storage business.  Subject property having less than required parking and landscaping, landscaped buffer & parking lot buffers.  Assessor’s Plat 263, Lot 69, zoned General Business (GB).

Petition #10841---Ward 1---820 Post Rd.

The petition of McDonald’s Real Estate Company, 110 N. Carpenter St., Chicago, IL, and Bohler Engineering, 45 Franklin St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA, requests a dimensional variance to reduce the existing 75 non-conforming parking spaces by an additional 25 parking spaces.  The petitioner is proposing to reconfigure the existing single lane drive-thru to add an additional lane to provide a side by side layout, to include new digital    pre-browse boards, order canopies, digital menu boards, and a clearance gate way, along with associated site improvements.  Assessor’s Plat 294, Lot 241, zoned General Business (GB).

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Discussion and/or action and/or vote regarding the Regular Meeting Minutes regarding the August 9, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes.


*Please be advised that the Zoning Board of Review has adopted Rules and Regulations governing the application process, submission of material, conduct of the public hearing on the application and responsibilities of an action to appeal a decision.  These Rules and regulations are posted on the City’s web site and are available for review in the Board’s office during regular hours.  All applicants and objectors are obliged to review these Rules and shall be held responsible for compliance therewith.  If there are any questions on the above petitions, please contact the Zoning Office at 401-921-9534 or by email

All inquiries must be made 24 hours in advance of said hearing. Facilities are accessible for people with disabilities.  If you are in need of interpreter services for the hearing impaired, please contact the Human Services Department at 739-9150.

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